2022 Financial Round-up & Investment Commentary

2022 was not a good year for investors. Virtually every financial asset class posted losses as the world economy struggled in the face of inflation, supply chain issues and war. 

In this webinar, Senior Investment Strategist Payal Trehan join Michele to review the 2022 financial year and examine whether 2023 offers brighter prospects.

This webinar will include the following:

✅ Financial review of 2022 
✅ A macro-economic assessment & growth forecast
✅ 2023 Investment & Opportunity Outlook
✅ Managing your risk in 2023
✅ Portfolio Strategy

After the presentation, you can put your questions to Michele and Payal in our live Q&A.
Please register to join us live and gain access to the recording.

Inform Yourself. Manage Your Risk. Access Financial Opportunities

January 19, 5pm Dubai, 3pm South Africa, 1pm UK