What to do if the pandemic has disrupted your tax planning?
The pandemic has affected every area of our lives and tax is no different. Travel restrictions, lockdowns and the need to support the family have inadvertently caught many expatriates in the wrong tax jurisdiction longer than the usual allowances permit. It has resulted in some potentially complex tax residency issues that can prove extremely costly to unsuspecting individuals.
In this webinar, with Neil Chadwick, we will examine the various tax issues, including residence caused by “overstaying” in particular in the UK & he will also touch on South Africa during Covid and how it affects expats caught in the tax residency net.
Our guest presenter – Neil Chadwick,
Head of Technical Services, RL360, Isle of Man.
Neil has worked in financial services for over 20 years. He is an expert in taxation, trusts and estate planning.
March 16 – 2021 – 4pm UAE (GMT+4)
*Disclaimer: This webinar does not constitute tax advice. It is for information purposes only